Anyway after that I went off to H&M looking for my intoxicating thigh high boots and well there was nothing of the like there! I was rather looking forward to battling with my monetary conscience as I tryd the boots on and oggled the handbags! Oh well I guess I will live to shop another day.
Oooh I finally met my mates crush! Once upon a time my friend would talk about him so much, giggling like a school girl every time she mentioned him, telling me all he had said even if that wasn't much... mind you when you like someone every tiny detail counts and needs to be savoured, the importance gets magnified. Honestly he was gorgeous! Dark hair, mischievous grin and a *I know something you don't know* twinkle in his eye. But I cant see how my friend would have the confidence to ask him out she would always daydream but never 'do'. When she was a touch drunk she did kiss him but never mentioned it again. I can understand being shy, I was years ago and still can be in certain situations to some extent but the girl seriously needs a Gok shock. What was she wearing today??? Brown, and not even a *this will go nicely with everything* kinda brown. It was very bad I have to wonder sometimes what is going through her mind because she sure as hell doesnt tell me. You cant hide in plain view, I never could much as I tryd to. But then that was through my teenage years, perfectly natural to feel out of place and awkward. I have attempted on many occasions to help her, no that's not what I mean: include her, but she doesnt want to know and rejects every attempt I make to spend time with her if it isnt 'safe' and on her terms :( its not as though I'm trying do drag her out bass jumping or plonk here in a room full of strangers and force here to talk to them. All I know is that if we were meeting now for the first time we probably wouldn't become friends, not because I don't like her she is a great person but simply because she is so blinkerd and set in her ways. If she could time travel back and live in the 1980's - early 1990's she happily would, her happy place. She drives me crazy but I love my friend xx!!