Friday, 18 December 2009

I wanna see your cum face!

Oh my god why??? oh the shame.... hehe. In my opinion I look like a pig snorting sneezing powder sitting on a stinging nettle lol its really, really not the best look in the world. Unpretty to say the least lol
So there I am trying to look as perfect as I can. Ya know suck my tummy in keep my make up from smudging and pray to god I don't fart...... fellas can get away with it but girls?? nooooo lol And after all that effort what happens? I'm practically cross eyed with mascara escaping down my face and he's grinning like a Cheshire cat at the sight, I give up lol. And as for the wobbly bits, well they are indeed wobbling and getting grabbed enthusiastically so I think ahhh heck sod it, I can't look any worse :P
So I may as well just enjoy myself in my state of dishevelment because I know the bloke doesn't care that my hair is a mess... that's his fault anyway lol He just see's I'm naked and as a bonus there is a beer to hand :P mind you he'll have to get his own......... that's mine lol