Sunday, 27 December 2009

Just having a whinge :( disregard.

Ok I'm grouchy there's nothing else to it. I've been trying to be in a good mood and lift myself up ever since christmas day but it's just not happening. I don't like to be maudlin but sometimes you simply have to get on with it and hope it eventually works it's way out of your system, and I don't like to bat around the term nobody understands me because I guess that cant be true, or at least I hope not or we're all bugged.
The truth of it is no one pays enough attention in order to understand. I know I know I'm having a whinge, but quite frankly from time to time it does ya good. And anyway if I whinge at the people I really need to they will just tell me to pull my socks up, be quiet and get on with it..... well that wouldn't help me one little bit.
Oh good lord I hope I'm in a better mood soon, scowling does nothing for me :(