Thursday, 10 December 2009

The shoe pixies made me do it....

I think its safe to say that I'm going a bit do-lally with all this christmas shopping... I finally hit the wall and decided not to spend any more money..... well on other people, I'm a different matter altogether :P I couldn't help it, I needed a reward for all my shopping and traipsing around endlessly looking for gifts... O' woe is me... oh and *heavy sigh* the thought of wrapping all those things is incentive enough for me to allow myself a reward. I get more sellotape stuck to me than the paper, its not an elegant sight trust me.
I had seen the shoes for weeks every time I walked past Faith, beautiful blue ones :) and today there was a sale on so that were me jiggerd and rather than walking past... in I went. Personally I think I done very well to resist as long as I did hehe clever girl :D