Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Its morphing time.....

So last night something a little disturbing occurred.
I was talking to my son about cleaning his glasses as they were caked in goop (quite frankly I had no idea how he could see out of them :P) ya know, nothing out of the ordinary.. and it was then it happened... as I spoke I realised I sounded like my mother!! Noooooo!!!
Not what I said really but the feel of the words and how they came out. I said it again making an concerted effort to sound like me but it was exactly the same, eep!! Even my body movements were betraying me. It was like I was mimicking her...
I like very much being an individual, my own person with my own ideas, Id so rather not morph into my mum! Ending up being obsessed with swollen ankles and pop socks (can't see the facination myself) I don't understand why it has happened now after 31years? Is there some sort of trigger like male patten baldness? The females getting the 'you will turn into your mother gene' then be powerless to stop its onset??
I really hope I don't start hankering after cardys and think nodding off with a Catherine Cookson book on my lap of an evening makes for a good night out!! I love my mum but I don't want to be her. If I put Woman's weekly on standing order I'm going to get worried.....